It finally happened. The seemingly unstoppable TDTE hit the brick wall. Danza IV is a fiercer, uglier, more forceful album than Autotheism. Its vitality and appeal haven't waned, all these weeks. It remains a musical grudgefuck. But Danza IV's dogged commitment to the low road is its weakness.
Autotheism takes the high road, and manages to be more mature and soulful (featuring Sexy Sax Man!), while being intricate and ferocious. It also doesn't suffer from the mid-album energy drop that you find on Danza IV. So whereas they were able to outpolish Katatonia and outprog Chimp Spanner in the past, today The Faceless takes the day by outclassing and outgunning TDTE. Let's see what The Faceless's chameleonlike qualities do for them on Friday, during their Semifinal round.
In tomorrow's Quarterfinal match, Gojira and Enabler duke it out at last!